Textbook author visit ~テキストの著者、来校!~
数か月前のことになりますが、中学生以上のコース『ゲートウェイコース』のレッスンで私たちが使っている『ファーストハンド』というテキストの著者の1人であるJohn Wiltshire氏にご来校いただく機会がありました。そして幸運にも、そのテキストを使ってペアワークをするガンマクラスを見学していただいたので、今日はその日のことを書こうと思います。
ゲートウェイコースでは、実践的で自然なリスニングの実力を身につける練習をたくさん行います。特に『listen and reconstruct』という活動は、キーワードや文の構造などを注意深く集中して聞き取るための、非常に良い練習となります。生徒さんたちは聞き取った表現をもとに、パッと聞いただけでは聞き取れなかった部分の意味も推測できるようになります。このような活動を通して、彼らのスキルは見事に改善されていきます。Wiltshire氏とペアを組んだ生徒さんは、聞き慣れないはずの彼の声や話し方にあっという間に適応して正しく聞き取り、自分が問われている質問をきちんと理解しました。そこでWiltshire氏はテキストに出てくるものとは質問の順番を変えて彼女に問題を出しましたが、彼女はそれらを聞き取ってすぐに、テキストの順番とは違うものが出題されていると理解して対応していました。
結果的に、この経験はとても有意義なものだったと言えます。自分が作ったFirst handというテキストを❝first-hand;直に❞経験したWiltshire氏にとってだけではなく、初対面の方と英語でお話しする機会を得て、しかも自分たちがつけてきた実力を立派に示した生徒さんたちにとってもです。
Several months ago, we were fortunate enough to be visited by one of the authors of the English Firsthand textbooks, John Wiltshire. As part of his visit, he was invited to observe a Gamma class where we would use the pairwork part of the textbook.
The class in question has three students, so in order to make pairs it is common for the teacher to stand in as the 4th member. However in this situation, I opted to have our visitor Mr Wiltshire step into the students’ shoes and participate in an activity from his own textbook.
For many students and teachers alike this would be a nerve wracking experience - to have the author of the book you work from see how you implement their ideas. Does the way I run my class match how the authors imagined it to work? Have I correctly understood the purpose of the material? Will I be able to explain it in a way that the students can understand? Will the students be able to perform with such pressure? Will they find the experience valuable?
Fortunately it seems such worries were unnecessary. As the class started, the broad smiles of my students encouraged me to hit my stride, to run the class as I have a hundred times before. After some warm-up questions and small talk, I introduced our guest and the topic for the day, and walked the students through the activity. Once they started to ask each other the questions in the book, tensions started to dissipate, and my students showed all of us their abilities.
In the Gateway course, we spend a lot of time practising realistic and natural listening comprehension skills. Activities such as listen and reconstruct amongst others serve to encourage students to listen carefully and diligently for key words and structures, before using that information to infer the meanings of any parts they couldn’t immediately grasp. At times like this, those skills really prove their worth. The student who was paired with Mr Wiltshire was able to quickly adjust to his voice and his way of speaking, and understand the questions she was being asked. Our guest chose to ask questions from the book in a different order to how they were written, but my student could hear that what she was being asked didn’t match the question she was looking at in the book and could quickly adapt.
I circulated to the other group, the pair of students working between themselves. Having become accustomed to this type of activity, they were moving ahead fast with accurate questions and concise answers. At Gamma level, students are expected to add details to answers they give, and this pair were doing a great job of it. The textbook provided some extra details for each question/answer combination, and with some simple sentences both students were able to convey all of the available information and finish the activity faster than I had anticipated.
Overall, the experience was hugely useful, not only for Mr Wiltshire who got to experience his Firsthand textbook first-hand (haha!), but for my students who were able to talk with someone new and interesting, and to demonstrate their skills for all to see.
After the class I was able to thank the students of the class for giving it their all. I would like to extend the same thanks to all of our Gateway students. From Alpha all the way through to Epsilon and Zeta, I get to see our JHS and SHS students develop the skills they learned in FDC and in their own school classes into skills they can use to communicate with real people in terms of real ideas and real feelings. They have the ability to talk and exchange concepts with literally millions of people worldwide, thanks in part to their time at EFL and the work of our teachers and staff, thanks in part to the work of people like Mr Wiltshire who create accessible and successful materials for classes, but thanks most of all to our students for trying their best in class, and meeting every challenge with a smile.
Thank you all.